Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hailing from the heart of Tennessee, Whitechapel is a force to be reckoned with in the deathcore scene. Their name, inspired by the infamous London district where Jack the Ripper stalked his victims, sets the stage for their dark and brutal sound. This six-piece powerhouse features Phil Bozeman's ferocious vocals, the shredding guitars of Ben Savage, Alex Wade, and Zach Householder, Gabe Crisp's thunderous bass, and the driving rhythm section led by drummer Brandon Zackey.
Formed in 2006, Whitechapel has solidified their place in the metal world with eight studio albums and a legion of dedicated fans. Their music, a raw and visceral blend of deathcore and brutal death metal, has resonated with audiences worldwide.
The band's 2010 album "A New Era of Corruption" broke through, selling over 10,600 copies in its first week and landing at No. 43 on the Billboard 200 chart. Their self-titled fourth album, released in 2012, followed suit, reaching No. 47 and selling roughly 9,200 copies in its debut week.
2014 saw the release of their fifth album, "Our Endless War," which garnered positive reviews and sold approximately 16,000 copies in its first week. This Knoxville-born band continues to dominate the metal scene, with a sound that is both terrifying and captivating, leaving audiences breathless with every performance.