Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hailing from the heart of Texas, Upon A Burning Body burst onto the scene in 2005, quickly becoming a force in the metalcore genre. Led by vocalist Danny Leal's ferocious screams, the band, rounded out by guitarist Ruben Alvarez, drummer Tito Felix, and bassist Thomas Alvarez, have carved a distinct path through the music world.
Their sophomore effort, "Red. White. Green.," made a splash in 2012, debuting at a respectable No. 105 on the Billboard 200. But it was their third studio album, "The World Is My Enemy Now," released in August 2014, that really solidified their place in the metalcore scene. This powerful record reached a career-high No. 39 on the Billboard 200, showcasing their ever-evolving sound and undeniable energy.
Riding the wave of their success, Upon A Burning Body joined forces with metal heavyweights Five Finger Death Punch, supporting them on a massive tour in 2014.
The band continued to push boundaries with their fourth studio album, "Straight From the Barrio," which hit shelves in October 2016. This album showcased a more mature sound, while still retaining the raw energy that made them stand out.
Upon A Burning Body has proven themselves to be a relentless force in the metalcore scene, continuously pushing the boundaries of their sound and captivating audiences with their fiery live performances. They stand as a testament to the vibrant and diverse musical landscape that San Antonio, Texas has to offer.