Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Luan Tan, a renowned Taiwanese band, adopted "Luan Tan" from the traditional Taiwanese Northern Opera style "Luan Tan Xi" as their band name. Their live performances are energetic, vibrant, and incredibly passionate. In 1997, they released their debut album "Hope," fusing Taiwanese folk music with rock and roll to create an avant-garde style that drew attention from all sectors and earned them numerous awards and recognition.
After releasing their second album "Lantern" in 2000, the band ceased performing. They participated in the Super Slipper Party 3 concert in 2012.
== Members == Luan Tan is a four-piece male band. The members first met at the Fuxing Vocational High School in Yilan (currently known as Lanyang Technical College). During a time when rock music was not widely accepted, they tirelessly pursued their passion for rock music together. They experienced a period where they had nothing but music.