Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Train, the beloved American pop-rock band, emerged from the vibrant music scene of San Francisco in 1993. Their journey has seen them evolve through numerous lineup changes, with the current roster featuring frontman Pat Monahan, guitarists Taylor Locke and Jerry Becker, bassist Hector Maldonado, and drummer Matt Musty.
The band's breakthrough came in 1998 with their self-titled debut album, propelled by the hit single "Meet Virginia." This success was further cemented by their 2001 album "Drops of Jupiter," which garnered widespread acclaim with the lead single "Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)." The single's impact earned Train two Grammy Awards in 2002, while the album achieved double platinum status.
Their third studio album, "My Private Nation," released in 2003, continued their momentum with the platinum-selling hit "Calling All Angels." However, lineup changes followed, with the departures of Rob Hotchkiss and Charlie Colin. Train's fourth album, "For Me, It's You," released in 2006, featured the contributions of Brandon Bush on keyboards and Johnny Colt on bass. While receiving generally favorable reviews, the album fell short commercially, leading to a three-year hiatus from recording new material.
Despite the challenges, Train's legacy is undeniable, marked by their signature blend of pop sensibility and rock energy. Their infectious melodies and heartfelt lyrics have resonated with fans worldwide, making them one of the most enduring and beloved acts of the 21st century.