Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
The Black Dahlia Murder, a melodic death metal powerhouse from Waterford, Michigan, exploded onto the scene in 2001. Their name, a grim nod to the infamous 1947 unsolved murder of Elizabeth Short, instantly set a dark and captivating tone. Initially fronted by the late Trevor Strnad, the band's lineup has seen significant changes over the years, with Brian Eschbach remaining a constant. Following Strnad's tragic passing in 2022, Eschbach assumed lead vocal duties, while Ryan Knight – the band's lead guitarist from 2009-2016 – stepped in on rhythm guitar. Current members also include Max Lavelle (bass), and Alan Cassidy (drums) along with Brandon Ellis (guitar).
Their journey began with a 2001 demo, What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse, and the A Cold-Blooded Epitaph EP in 2002, quickly gaining attention. This led to a pivotal signing with Metal Blade Records in 2003 and the release of their debut album, Unhallowed, the same year. Since then, they've unleashed nine studio albums, eight of which charted on the US Billboard 200, a testament to their enduring popularity. Their 2011 release, Ritual, reached a high of #31, solidifying their status as a leading force in contemporary American extreme metal. Their latest offering, Servitude, dropped on September 27th, 2024, continuing their reign of melodic death metal mastery.