Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hailing from Gilbert, Arizona, Scary Kids Scaring Kids (SKSK) emerged in 2002, their name a nod to the Cap'n Jazz track of the same name. This post-hardcore quintet, originally featuring Tyson Stevens (vocals/bass), Chad Crawford (guitar), DJ Wilson (guitar), Steve Kirby (guitar), Pouyan Afkary (keyboards), and Peter Costa (drums), initially self-released their After Dark EP while still in high school. After a near-disbandment, they committed to music full-time, securing a deal with Immortal Records. This led to their breakthrough debut album, The City Sleeps in Flames (2005), establishing them as a force in the post-hardcore scene. With Stevens as the driving creative force, the band went on to release their self-titled second album in 2007 before disbanding in 2010 following a farewell tour. A highly anticipated reunion in 2019 culminated in the release of their third studio album, Out of Light, in 2022.