Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Saving Abel, the Mississippi rock band forged in the crucible of Corinth in 2004, emerged from an unlikely meeting of minds. Founding members Jason Null (lead guitar) and Jared Weeks (lead vocals) – initially rivals in separate local bands – found common ground, their collaboration ignited when Null stumbled upon the phrase "there was no saving Abel" while researching the Cain and Abel story. This morbidly poetic line became the band's name, a fitting moniker for their raw, emotionally charged sound.
Weeks' departure in late 2013 to pursue a solo career briefly fractured the lineup, but his return in 2021 rekindled the flame. However, a second departure in 2024 necessitated the return of Scotty Austin, adding another chapter to the band's evolving history.
Their early journey began with impromptu rehearsals and quickly escalated. By early 2005, their demos had caught the attention of producer Skid Mills, leading to recording sessions at his prestigious 747 Studio in Memphis. The band solidified its lineup with the additions of rhythm guitarist Scott Bartlett, bassist Daniel Dwight, and drummer Blake Dixon. Weeks' audacious demo-dropping tactics – tossing CDs onto the stages of touring acts passing through Corinth – proved effective, even amidst a lineup shuffle that saw Dwight replaced by longtime friend Eric Taylor. This relentless drive and unwavering determination cemented Saving Abel's place in the Southern rock landscape.