Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Saosin, hailing from the heart of Orange County's vibrant rock scene, emerged in 2003 with a raw, emotionally charged sound that quickly cemented their place in the post-hardcore landscape. The original lineup, featuring the dynamic vocals of Anthony Green, Beau Burchell's masterful bass lines, Zach Kennedy's pummeling drums, and Justin Shekoski's shredding guitar, burst onto the scene with their debut EP, "Translating the Name."
However, Green's departure for personal reasons in 2004 left the band at a crossroads. Cove Reber stepped in as vocalist, injecting a new flavor into Saosin's sound, and in 2006, they released their self-titled debut album on Capitol Records, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with.
The band's second album, "In Search of Solid Ground," dropped in 2009 on Virgin Records, featuring re-recorded tracks from their previous EP, "The Grey EP." Unfortunately, Reber's exit in 2010 sent Saosin into a hiatus.
The band's passionate fanbase eagerly awaited their return, and in 2013, Saosin reunited, featuring all original members except Kennedy. Their reunion tour reignited the fire, paving the way for their triumphant comeback. In 2016, the long-awaited reunion album, "Along the Shadow," marked the triumphant return of Anthony Green to the fold, released through Epitaph Records.
Saosin's music is a captivating blend of emo and post-hardcore, characterized by soaring vocal harmonies and Shekoski's distinctive lead guitar techniques, which utilize intricate delays and natural harmonics. Their music resonates with a raw, emotional intensity, captivating listeners and leaving a lasting mark on the world of rock.