Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Formed in the heartland of Kansas City in 1991, Puddle of Mudd emerged from the post-grunge scene with a sound that resonated with millions. The band, fronted by the ever-present Wes Scantlin (vocals, rhythm guitar), has become synonymous with the raw, emotive energy that defined the era.
Their name, inspired by the Missouri River levee that often flooded their practice space, reflects the band's gritty, unpolished beginnings. Scantlin himself has described their early days as a struggle, "walking through a pile of shit" just to get to practice.
Despite the challenges, Puddle of Mudd persevered, releasing their debut EP, "Stuck," in 1994. The seven-song collection, produced by the band and E.J. Rose, showcased their signature sound, a blend of raw power and emotional vulnerability.
Their hard work paid off, and their major-label debut, "Come Clean," catapulted them to mainstream success, selling over five million copies and solidifying their position in the post-grunge landscape. Since then, Puddle of Mudd has released an impressive six studio albums, with their latest, "Ubiquitous," dropping in September 2023, proving their enduring appeal.
Over the years, the band has faced lineup changes, but Scantlin has remained the constant, his distinctive vocals and songwriting driving their sound and forging a connection with their devoted fanbase. With over seven million albums sold, Puddle of Mudd has carved a distinct path in the music world, forever marked by their gritty roots and the enduring power of their music.