Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Pearl Jam, the iconic American rock band, emerged from the fertile musical ground of Seattle, Washington, in 1990. Their core lineup, a powerhouse of talent, consists of founding members Jeff Ament (bass), Stone Gossard (rhythm guitar), Mike McCready (lead guitar), and the charismatic Eddie Vedder (lead vocals, guitar). Completing the sonic tapestry is Matt Cameron (drums), who joined in 1998, and Boom Gaspar (keyboards), a touring/session member since 2002.
Their history is rich with drumming talent, featuring a rotating cast behind the kit that includes original member Dave Krusen, and former members Matt Chamberlain, Dave Abbruzzese, and Jack Irons.
Pearl Jam's rise to prominence was meteoric. Formed from the ashes of Gossard and Ament's previous bands, Green River and Mother Love Bone, they stormed the mainstream with their debut album, "Ten," in 1991. This album dominated the Billboard 200 charts for nearly five years, achieving iconic status as one of the highest-selling rock albums of all time, going 13x Platinum in the United States.
Their impact continued with "Vs." in 1993, which sold an astounding 950,000 copies in its first week, setting a record for most albums sold in a week at the time. "Vitalogy," their third album, followed in 1994, becoming the second fastest-selling CD in history at the time, with over 877,000 units sold in its first week.
As a key force in the grunge movement of the early 90s, Pearl Jam challenged industry norms, often shunning music videos and interviews, a testament to their commitment to authenticity and artistic control. They have transcended their contemporaries, achieving lasting success and solidifying their place as one of the most influential rock bands of the decade, earning the title of "the most popular American rock and roll band of the '90s."