Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Born in the desert heat of Las Vegas, Panic! at the Disco emerged in 2004 from the friendship of Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Brent Wilson, and Brendon Urie. These high school buddies began crafting demos that quickly caught the attention of the music world. Their debut album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005), became a pop-punk phenomenon, driven by the iconic single "I Write Sins Not Tragedies." The album went triple platinum in the US, solidifying Panic! as a force to be reckoned with.
However, the band's journey wasn't without its twists. Founding bassist Brent Wilson departed during the band's grueling world tour in 2006, replaced by Jon Walker. The group's next album, Pretty. Odd. (2008), signaled a shift in sound with the lead single "Nine in the Afternoon" marking a departure from their earlier emo-pop style.
Over time, the band went through several lineup changes, ultimately evolving into a solo project fronted by the charismatic Brendon Urie from 2015 onwards. After a successful run, Panic! at the Disco officially called it quits in 2023, leaving behind a legacy of iconic songs and a unique evolution within the pop rock landscape.