Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Moonshine Bandits, the dynamic American duo comprised of Dusty "Tex" Dahlgren and Brett "Bird" Brooks, burst onto the scene in 2003, carving a unique path through the world of country rap. Hailing from California, they've built a solid discography, with their latest album, "The Whiskey Never Dries," released in August 2019, showcasing their signature blend of gritty lyrics and hard-hitting beats.
Their musical journey began with the release of their debut album, "Soggy Crackerz," in 2003. The duo's collaboration with Ty Weathers, founder of Burn County Music, proved to be a pivotal moment, shaping their signature "Blue Core/Dirt Rock" sound.
Following the success of "Soggy Crackerz," they dropped "Prohibition" in 2006 and "Divebars and Truckstops" in 2010, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with in the country rap genre.
In 2011, Moonshine Bandits signed with Suburban Noize Records, releasing their fourth album, "Whiskey and Women." The music video for their hit single, "My Kind of Country," premiered on CMT Pure Country in February 2012, featuring a special appearance by Mike Allsup (The Bearded Guy) from Modesto, California, adding a touch of authentic Americana to their sound.
Partnering with Average Joes Entertainment in 2014, they released their fifth album, "Calicountry." The album's success was undeniable, selling 3,000 copies in its first week of release, debuting at number 22 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart and number 126 on the Billboard 200 chart.
Their sixth album, "Blacked Out," hit the shelves in July 2015, debuting at number 158 on the Billboard 200 chart and number... [The rest of your text is missing information.]
Moonshine Bandits are a testament to the power of blending genres, creating a raw and energetic sound that resonates with fans seeking a unique fusion of country and hip-hop. With their dedicated fanbase and consistent string of successful albums, they continue to push the boundaries of country rap, solidifying their place as pioneers in this exciting genre.