Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hollywood Undead, the Los Angeles-based rap-rock quintet, burst onto the scene in 2005. Known for their enigmatic stage personas – all members use pseudonyms and formerly sported distinctive goalie-mask-inspired headgear – the band solidified their place in the genre with a string of successful albums. Their debut, Swan Songs, dropped in September 2008, followed by the live CD/DVD Desperate Measures in November 2009. Subsequent studio albums include American Tragedy (April 2011), Notes from the Underground (January 2013), Day of the Dead (March 2015), Five (October 2017), and New Empire, Vol. 1 (the release date for which is missing from the original text). The band's current lineup features J-Dog, Funny Man, Johnny 3 Tears, Charlie Scene, and Danny. Their 2017 album Five saw the release of the lead single "California Dreaming" in July of that year.