Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Fleshwater, an American rock band formed in 2017, emerged from the depths of the underground scene, quickly gaining traction with their raw, emotional sound. The band's origins can be traced back to Anthony DiDio (vocals, guitar) and Matt Wood (drums), both veterans of the renowned post-hardcore band Vein.fm. The duo, fueled by a shared creative vision, initially laid the foundation for Fleshwater by penning three powerful songs in 2017.
The band's lineup solidified with the addition of Jeremy Martin (bass), also a member of Vein.fm, and Marisa Shirar, who brought her captivating vocals to the forefront. Their debut track, "Linda Claire," released in 2019, marked the first public glimpse of Fleshwater's unique blend of melodic aggression and raw emotion. Shirar's powerful vocals delivered a haunting narrative that resonated deeply with listeners.
"Linda Claire" served as the cornerstone for their debut EP, "demo2020," released in February 2020. This release ignited a fervent following, pushing the band into the spotlight and propelling "Linda Claire" to over a million Spotify streams.
Building upon this momentum, Fleshwater unveiled "Kiss the Ladder" in October 2022, a single that served as the first taste of their highly anticipated debut album, "We're Not Here to Be Loved." The album's second single, "The Razor's Apple," arrived in October 2021, further cementing their place as a force to be reckoned with in the rock scene.
"We're Not Here to Be Loved," released on November 4th, 2021, was met with widespread acclaim for its unflinching honesty, raw emotion, and infectious energy. The album solidified Fleshwater's position as a rising star, poised to carve their own path in the rock music landscape.