Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
DOROTHY, the hard-rocking Los Angeles quartet, exploded onto the scene in 2014. Fronted by the powerhouse vocalist Dorothy Martin, and featuring Jake Hayden on drums, Sam Bam Koltun on guitar, and Eliot Lorango on bass, their self-titled debut EP instantly garnered attention. Rolling Stone, recognizing their raw talent, hailed them as a "band you need to know," placing them #14 on their 50 Best New Artists of 2014 list.
Their origins trace back to early 2013, when Martin, through a connection with her cousin, met producer/guitarist Mark Jackson and his production partner Ian Scott. Hearing Martin’s voice, Jackson recalls, "We were blown away. We knew that pairing her vocals with some serious old-school metal riffs would be huge." He envisioned a sound reminiscent of AC/DC and Black Sabbath—stripped down, raw power, focusing on "one guitar, one bass, and drums, and bad-ass vocals." Martin herself quipped, "Basically, we want to make songs Beavis and Butt-head would like." Bassist Gregg Cash joined the initial lineup.
A piano ballad Martin initially showcased evolved into their explosive debut single, "After Midnight." The accompanying music video premiered on Noisey (Vice) in June 2014, instantly declared "the perfect modern rock concoction." This marked the beginning of DOROTHY's electrifying journey through the rock world.