Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hailing from the bustling music scene of Boston, Massachusetts, Dead Poet Society emerged in 2013 with a raw energy that resonated with a growing fanbase. Led by vocalist and guitarist Jack Underkofler, the band’s original lineup also featured Jack Collins (guitar), Nick Taylor (bass), and Will Goodroad (drums). They forged their sound in the vibrant atmosphere of Berklee College of Music, playing their first gig just two days after forming.
Their early years saw the band honing their craft as an independent unit, self-producing and recording their music. The unique blend of heavy riffs and pop-infused melodies, described by Underkofler as "heavy indie rock" and "djent pop", caught the attention of music lovers, and in 2020, they signed with Spinefarm Music Group.
The band's debut album, "!-," dropped in 2021, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with. Their music, with its infectious energy and captivating dynamics, has resonated with audiences worldwide.
The story of Dead Poet Society, however, goes beyond music alone. They embraced their roots, choosing their band name as a tribute to their shared passion for poetry, completely independent of the iconic film. After graduating from Berklee, the band relocated to Los Angeles, furthering their pursuit of musical success.
Their journey took a significant turn in 2016 when Pepe Problemas, an influential Mexican blog, recognized their talent. This recognition fueled their rise, paving the way for the international acclaim they enjoy today. Dead Poet Society is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and the magic of creating music that transcends borders.