Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Cobra Skulls, a band that's earned their stripes in the punk rock scene, initially emerged from the gritty streets of Reno, Nevada. Their raw energy and infectious tunes soon caught the attention of Red Scare Industries, who signed them and released their debut album "Sitting Army" in 2007. This album marked the beginning of a thrilling journey, characterized by relentless touring and a growing fanbase.
The band's signature sound, a potent mix of melodic punk and hardcore, propelled them forward. They shared the stage with punk legends like Against Me!, Mad Caddies, and the Loved Ones, solidifying their place as a force to be reckoned with. However, the journey wasn't without its changes. Charlie Parker, one of the founding guitarists, left the band in 2008, leading to the addition of Adam Beck on second guitar.
Despite this shift, Cobra Skulls continued their upward trajectory, releasing their second album "American Rubicon" in 2009. This album showcased their maturity and evolution as a band, solidifying their reputation as one of the most exciting punk rock acts of their generation.
From their humble beginnings in Reno to their embrace of the San Francisco Bay Area, Cobra Skulls have consistently delivered a potent cocktail of punk rock passion and musical talent. Their three studio albums, five EPs, and three 7" splits stand as a testament to their unwavering commitment to their craft and their ability to connect with fans through raw, authentic music.