Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Coal Chamber, the American nu-metal titans, burst onto the scene in 1992, originally known as "She's in Pain." The band was the brainchild of Dez Fafara (vocals) and Meegs Rasc贸n (guitar), who, along with bassist Rayna Foss and drummer Jon Tor, laid the foundation for their signature dark, aggressive sound.
After drummer Mike Cox joined in 1995, the iconic Coal Chamber lineup was complete. Their 1997 self-titled debut album, released on Roadrunner Records, propelled them into the nu-metal spotlight. Two years later, "Chamber Music" followed, featuring their only US charting single, a cover of Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey," featuring the legendary Ozzy Osbourne as a guest vocalist.
The band continued their success with "Dark Days" in 2002, which saw Nadja Peulen take over bass duties after Foss' departure. However, after ten years together, Coal Chamber disbanded in 2003.
The hiatus proved temporary, as Coal Chamber returned in 2011 with Fafara, Cox, Rasc贸n, and Chela Rhea Harper on bass. Peulen rejoined in 2013, cementing the lineup for their 2015 fourth album "Rivals." Despite this reunion, the band parted ways once more in 2016.
The cycle of dissolution and revival continued as Coal Chamber announced a second reunion in 2022, signaling their enduring presence in the nu-metal landscape. Their story is a testament to the power of their music and the enduring passion of their fans, who have witnessed their rise, fall, and triumphant return.