Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
The Dillinger Escape Plan, the groundbreaking American metalcore band, exploded onto the scene in 1997 from Morris Plains, New Jersey. Founded by guitarist Ben Weinman, bassist Adam Doll, vocalist Dimitri Minakakis, and drummer Chris Pennie, their sound was immediately recognizable: a chaotic maelstrom of dissonance, odd time signatures, polyrhythms, and utterly unconventional drumming. While later albums incorporated more melody and diverse genre influences, this signature sonic assault remained a core element.
The bandās lineup underwent significant shifts throughout their career; by their dissolution, only Weinman remained from the original quartet. Their final configuration featured longtime members Liam Wilson (bass), Greg Puciato (vocals), and Billy Rymer (drums), alongside the addition of rhythm guitarist Kevin Antreassian.
Their impact was undeniable. Six studio albums cemented their legacy, beginning with the landmark 1999 release Calculating Infinity. This critically acclaimed masterpiece achieved cult status, selling over 100,000 copiesāmaking them Relapse Recordsā best-selling artist at the time. The Dillinger Escape Plan garnered numerous accolades and nominations from publications like Kerrang!, Revolver, Metal Hammer, and the PLUG Independent Music Awards, culminating in a 2017 AIM Award for "Outstanding Contribution to Music."
After the release of their final album, Dissociation (2016), The Dillinger Escape Plan announced their disbandment, concluding their career with a final tour. Their influence on extreme metal remains profound and enduring.