Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Silent Planet, the acclaimed American metalcore band, emerged from Azusa, California in 2009. Their name, a nod to C.S. Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, perfectly encapsulates their blend of intense musicianship and introspective lyrical themes. The current lineup features Garrett Russell on vocals, Mitchell Stark on guitar and clean vocals, Alex Camarena on drums, and Nick Pocock on bass. Signed to Solid State Records, they've solidified their place in the scene with five studio albums, their latest, Superbloom, dropping November 3rd, 2023.
Early Days and Rise (2009-2014):
Before solidifying their iconic lineup for their debut EP, Come Wind, Come Weather, Silent Planet honed their sound in the Azusa Pacific University music building. Interestingly, vocalist Garrett Russell concurrently fronted the hardcore band Hepafilter, even recording an EP, Coward, and touring with them until their dissolution in late 2011. In 2012, Silent Planet tracked Come Wind, Come Weather in Atlanta, Georgia, with producer Matt Goldman. This marked their official entry into the scene, launching them on tours with notable acts like Becoming the Archetype, I, of Helix, and Dayseeker, culminating in a performance at California Metalfest 2012. Their early trajectory showcases a band dedicated to their craft, laying the foundation for their future success.