Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Hailing from the Los Angeles underground, HEALTH is a genre-bending force in industrial/noise rock. The current lineup features vocalist/guitarist Jake Duzsik, bassist/producer John Famiglietti, and drummer B.J. Miller. Formerly including guitarist Jupiter Keyes (who departed in 2015), the band first gained traction with their remix of Crystal Castles' "Crimewave." Their self-titled debut album dropped in 2007, launching a prolific career.
Since then, HEALTH has unleashed a sonic assault across six full-length albums: Get Color (2009), Death Magic (2015), Vol. 4: Slaves of Fear (2019), and Rat Wars (2023), alongside the collaborative double album Disco4 (2020/2022). Their distinctive sound has also infiltrated the world of video games, with contributions to soundtracks for Max Payne 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Grand Theft Auto V, and Ultrakill.
The band's genesis lies in a chance encounter between vocalist Jake Duzsik and bassist John Famiglietti at the flagship Los Angeles Guitar Center. They recruited guitarist Jupiter Keyes (a university acquaintance of Duzsik's) and drummer B.J. Miller, solidifying their lineup. The name "HEALTH," chosen from a long list of possibilities, was simply the only "everyday word" still available.