Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Fit for an Autopsy, the Jersey City deathcore titans, formed in 2008, have cemented their place as a force to be reckoned with in the extreme metal scene. The current lineup boasts Pat Sheridan, Will Putney, and Tim Howley on guitars; Josean Orta on drums; Joe Badolato on vocals; and Peter "Blue" Spinazola on bass. Signed to Nuclear Blast, they've unleashed seven devastating studio albums since their inception.
Their journey began with a 2008 demo, followed swiftly by the Hell on Earth EP in 2009. 2011 saw the release of their debut full-length, The Process of Human Extermination, a brutal introduction to their signature sound. Hellbound, their second album, dropped in September 2013, further solidifying their position. The band experienced a vocalist change in 2014 with the departure of Nate Johnson, temporarily replaced by Greg Wilburn of The Devastated. Early 2015 brought another shift, with Wilburn's exit and the arrival of current vocalist Joe Badolato, paving the way for the band's next creative chapter.