Time for Rock...
Time for Rock...
Dethklok, the fictional melodic death metal band from Adult Swim's animated series "Metalocalypse," is a masterclass in satirical metal mayhem. Known for their over-the-top lyrics and tongue-in-cheek humor, Dethklok quickly became a cult favorite, capturing the spirit of the genre with an unapologetic dose of absurdity.
Their debut album, "The Dethalbum," dropped on September 25, 2007, making a splash on the Billboard charts, landing at number 21. The band continued their reign of musical terror with "Dethalbum II" in 2009, hitting the road with fellow metal giants Mastodon, High on Fire, and Converge. Dethklok's third album, "Dethalbum III," saw the light of day in 2012, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with.
To bring their music to life on stage, a real-life band was formed, capturing the raw energy and monstrous sound of Dethklok. The brainchild of Brendon Small (creator of "Metalocalypse") and Tommy Blacha, this collaboration made the fictional band's musical dreams a reality. Small himself lends his talents to the music heard in the show and on the albums, recruiting a cast of seasoned musicians for live performances.
In 2017, Small released "Brendon Small's Galaktikon II," a solo album widely considered a continuation of Dethklok's legacy, a testament to the enduring power of the band's sound, even if the name itself remains under the control of Adult Swim. Dethklok has become more than just a fictional band; it's a cultural phenomenon, a testament to the enduring power of metal and the infectious humor that comes with it.